My chemo clauses

Friday 10 March 2017

My Chemo Clauses

Someone much wiser than me said 'staying positive means winning half the battle', and that's exactly what I've been trying to do! That being said though it doesn't mean that you have to be positive all the time - there are some days that are just unbelievably crappy!

So here are my chemo clauses - the types of lines I say to myself before starting my next cycle, things that I know will make me feel better but yet I will just dismiss them feeling too blue/down/lazy to do them. So maybe if they are written right in front of me I might actually follow my own advice...we'll see!

~ Walking makes you feel better so drag your bum outside and do some quick rounds!

~ Drink as much water as you can - well on second thought drink as much water as you can handle - otherwise watered down cordial, juices, smoothies and green tea are pretty good!

~ Get out of bed! Even if this is only do go lay on the couch.

~ Take all medication on time, don't delay or not follow your schedule.

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