Kicking off 18' with a PET scan. It was made all the better with fate giving me the 'Bambi' room. Here's hoping and praying for good results. It truly is mind over matter in these situations. I had a bit of a cold and therefore had a 'slightly' tight chest - of course because of this I catastrophised thinking of the worst possible outcome.
It's just a check up to see how everything is going - I was given fantastic news late last year that all the tumour and cancer was gone - Yay! But I have a lot of scar tissue left behind (from my type of lymphoma). Due to this they wanted to check everything was a' okay.
It's quite a time consuming process with the whole thing taking about three hours. I first have to have a blood/urine test and then get a canular put in. After this I have to drink a sugary substance and finally get injected with a contrast dye. The actual scan lasts for about 30 minutes with around 12 minutes of this being a CT scan first. I love the fact that they have the radio playing in the room, serves as a great distraction to my anxious thoughts!
UPDATE: Results came back clear - Apparently the scar tissue in my chest has been described as looking like a deflated balloon!