Cycle Six - The final countdown...

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Walking into the Day Suite to start my final round of chemo, total excitement would be an understatement to describe how I felt. I stayed up the night before, (what a chemo rebel I am) and made a celebratory sign to bring with me into the chemo ward - clearly the primary school teacher in me was bursting to get out! I brought along my nurses teddy bear that other special people I'd met had signed along the way.  My regular nurses Sandra and Anna celebrated with mum, Luke and I, where we cut a small cake on the Saturday of my final infusion. I felt elated that I had finished but knew I still had to make it through the massive side effects of this round hitting my body - which would probably send me to hospital again. For now though I felt content in reaching this milestone and take each day as they come.

Sunshine Session # 5

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

For this Sunshine Session I was gifted a beautiful dress by my lovely cousin Belinda and her family from the Aussie Label LeSalty.

Unfortunately I didn't get to take too many photos in the dress as I ended up having my first stint in hospital following treatment. I did get to wear it to chemo of course and a day at the beach before I got neutropenic.

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs