So the beginning of 2017 hasn't gone quite the way I expected it - I'm used to spending the first few days of a new year making up silly, unrealistic resolutions for myself like the rest of us. You know like the ones like being more organised, learning a foreign language or finally teaching myself the guitar - But sometimes life just throws a curveball your way.
It all began as I walked in to my doctors office completely unaware that this was possibly the most scary doctors appointment ever! I of course had already self diagnosed, adamant that I had bronchitis, or maybe pneumonia or at worst another bout of whooping cough - I mean I had only come in with a bad cough and a bit of a tight chest - how bad could it be...right?
My 'meta' potato -
the mass measuring 80mm x 85mm x 90mm when first found. |
Luke and I nearly fell off our chairs when the doctor (looking visibly distressed) talked to us about the gigantic mass in my chest and dropped the 'C' word within 30 seconds. The next week was a whirlwind of doctors appointments, scans, calls and genuinely freaking out! With an amazing team of doctors and specialists behind me I had biopsy done within a week of that first GP appointment and by the week after I had my formal diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin's primary mediastinal large B Cell Lymphoma. (Now that's a mouthful to say ten times fast!).
For now things are looking good just waiting on a formal date to being my first chemo.